Lord Of Thrones

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A collection of 5555 warriors from different races fighting for a kingdom. Free mint! Since the last great battle centuries ago at Holdsworth wall, humans, elves, orcs, demons and angels have lived in harmony on the continent of Westgrass. After a meeting between their lords, a pact was signed where humans, elves and angels would rule Westgrass, while orcs and demons were relegated to Dantrevt's hell, where no one would have the right to cross the borders, under any circumstances. The demons and orcs exiled in southern Westgrass prepared their plan for total domination. In an ambitious plan of revenge, architected for several years, the orcs and demons formed a great army to overtake the kingdom. Let the war on Westgrass begin!

  • Release Date: Aug 20,2022
  • Mint Price: Free
  • Supply: 5555
  • Doxxed: No
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